Logo Raab Galerie Berlin

Raab Galerie Berlin

Goethestraße 81
D-10623 Berlin

opening hours:

Tue-Fr 10-18:30
Sa 10-16

☎: ++49 +30 261 92 18
✉: mail@raab-galerie.de

Oh du fröhliche



Philip Wolf


Small blue skull 2


acryl on canvas






500.00 €

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Oh du frÃĦhliche

Oh du fröhliche

Saturday 2nd of December 2023 from 11 to 4 p.m. and on all advent Saturdays 2023

Hubertus Giebe, Astrid Köhler, Karoline Kroiss, Björn Heyn, Sven Scharfenberg , El Bocho, RAWS, Skenar73, Nina Maron, Phillip Wolf, Nuno Raminhos,Thomas Baumgärtel, Giacomo Piussi, THorsten Schlüter, Eliot, Joao Noutel, Ewen Gur, K.P. Vellguth, Loomit, Mari Kim, Harald Klemm 


RAWS Sonne, Acryl auf Leinwand, 20 cm Durchmesser 2023  Auflage 20 180.--€

Dear Friends and collectors of Raab and JR Galleries,

 Please join us to our Christmas exhibition and look forward to a wide display of works that have been created to celebrate a time of high expectation and merry anticipation. Every day we are now very excited to receive packages by our artists with small Christmas items, some witty, all beautiful and all done in a  relaxed spirit at the end of the year.

As every year we will present these works all over December, while every advent Saturday we would like to invite you to Glühwein and sweets, looking forward to memorize moments we had together with you at the gallery and in memorable exhibitions here that we are proud of.

Yours sincerely

Ingrid, Julia and Dimitri Raab, Katja Wiehagen and Adrian Kretschmer

Yours sincerely

Ingrid, Julia and Dimitri Raab, Katja Wiehagen, Adrian Kretschmer

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