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Raab Galerie Berlin

Goethestraße 81
D-10623 Berlin

opening hours:

Tue-Fr 10-18:30
Sa 10-16

☎: ++49 +30 261 92 18
✉: mail@raab-galerie.de

MARI KIM - Immortal Beloved



Mari Kim


Runaway nurse (Homage of Richard Prince)


ultra chrome on canvas





price upon request

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This exhibition of new works by Mari Kim is a cheerful dialog with modern masters and the latest developments in modern painting. The starting point is clearly defined: „ no matter if you are from the East or West, the eyes are the windows to your mind“. To prove that this is valid when it comes to painting, she starts an encounter of her own creations with portraits of the last century. Portraits are one of the three central domains within painting. Looking at a portrait, we are looking into the eyes of the represented person.

That is why our first, the visual step into Mari Kim‘s unique Eastern Eyes creations is so exciting. These eyes shine the way to Mari Kim‘s personal reflection and research of modern art history. It is not only about the impact of times and people‘s multifaceted fates. It may be about the failure of modern ideas because of the times- like Neue Sachlichkeit failed and is revisited by Mari Kim in an almost tender approach. If you look at Mari Kim‘s attempt to reinvigorate Otto Dix, the result is not only of our time but it is refreshing, beautiful and as if people represented in the works were given a second better chance. New inventions are of interest to Mari Kim, her paintings are an attempt to look at these not as if they had happened a long time ago but are in process: We meet the Russian Erte in New York to celebrate art deco there at its higth. We could change the existance of Manhattan Mary, a cook that Erte painted, who infected her guests by the thyphus virus. We would meet the Tchech Mucha in Paris and get to kwow his graphic design of the theatre star Sarah Bernard. A lasting memory of times in an uproar is surrealism, among its most prominent artists Rene Magritte. He made a portrait of Stephy Langue, the wife of the art historian, who after world war tracked down art works stolen by Nazi thieves and brought these back to Belgium. Stephy‘s portrait by Magritte is painted upside down. While painters for centuries turned their work upside down to test whether the composition is right, painters in the 20th century express the absurdity of reality by turning the motive upside down. This new creation is a masterpiece, not only if we judge the eyes of Stephy upside down as the old masters would have done. It is no clash of cultures to watch Mari Kim‘s doll eyed woman sitting in Hopper‘s hotel room, whoever she is, the feeling she gives to the viewer is touching and therefor a strong signal how important these art works are to our perception. Finally the revered American artist Richard Prince and his Nurse pictures are dear to Mari Kim. Prince has been rephotographing images ( in this case covers of case pulp romance novels) to raise the question of what lasts. There is more to it however, if another generation of artists appropriates a theme, than it seems to me that this still is about eterntity, as long as we are ready to preserve it.

Finally these art works are extremely beautiful, because they deal with wonderful people who are ready to cope with the times they are experiencing. Mari Kim shares her affection with artists who have already honoured personalities of courage, creativity and devotion. She can approach all these items, as essentially she is an outstanding young artist of universal standing and we are proud to know her and to be able to work for her.

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